The virus in Asia is still a big problem in India and the Phillippenes. Both experienced a sizeable rise in cases. Elsewhere Thailand and Japan new cases bumped up a bit. In Europe France continues to be in a major outbreak. They recorded an increase of 182,485 cases last week over the prior week. The U.K. was the only country I follow where cases decreased. Elsewhere the virus is active in Brazil with 29,002 new cases.
The number of cases in the United States ROSE by 64,622 from the prior week. Only 10 states including Utah saw a decrease from the prior week. This suggests that there is still strength in this pandemic. States hard hit include Michigan, New York, Massachusetts, and Connecticut.tThe increasing number of vaccinations is starting to retard the spead of the virus and yet the virus is winning.
New cases in Utah dropped some with the 7-day moving average dropping from 465 from 419 a week earlier. Utah was one of 10 states with a decrease this week. I expect a move up after SPRING BREAK is over on April 11. The same thin can be expected is many states.
Meanwhile, on the vaccination front, the 7-day moving average of injections was slightlu higher reaching 21,720 per day. What this is telling me is that Utahn's are not flocking to get the vaccine in large numbers. While it would be terrific if we could reach a 70% vaccination level. Now that "open seasion ius here I expect the next four weeks to be VERY BUSY, followed by a significant drop in May. Utah will not each a level of 50% vaccinated UNLESS we do more work convincing people that the vaccine is worthwhile.
Country | Population | Infected Total | Infected Prior Week | Infected This Week | Infected Prior Week | Change Last vs. Prior Weeks | Infection Rate | Dead Total | Dead Prior Week | Died Week | Death Rate |
ASIA | |||||||||||
China | 1,433,783,686 | 101,664 | 101,526 | 138 | 153 | -15 | 0.01% | 4,841 | 4,839 | 2 | 4.76% |
India | 1,366,417,754 | 11,971,624 | 11,599,130 | 372,494 | 240,082 | 132,412 | 0.88% | 161,552 | 159,755 | 1,797 | 1.35% |
Japan | 126,860,301 | 468,291 | 456,247 | 12,044 | 8,963 | 3,081 | 0.37% | 9,050 | 8,821 | 229 | 1.93% |
Philippenes | 108,116,615 | 721,892 | 663,794 | 58,098 | 42,296 | 15,802 | 0.67% | 13,170 | 12,968 | 202 | 1.82% |
Viet Nam | 96,462,106 | 2,591 | 2,572 | 19 | 18 | 1 | 0.00% | 35 | 35 | 0 | 1.35% |
Thailand | 69,625,582 | 28,734 | 27,594 | 1,140 | 667 | 473 | 0.04% | 94 | 90 | 4 | 0.33% |
S. Korea | 51,225,308 | 101,757 | 98,665 | 3,092 | 3,030 | 62 | 0.20% | 1,722 | 1,696 | 26 | 1.69% |
Taiwan | 23,773,876 | 1,022 | 1,006 | 16 | 21 | -5 | 0.00% | 10 | 10 | 0 | 0.98% |
Hong Kong | 7,436,154 | 11,446 | 11,379 | 67 | 98 | -31 | 0.15% | 205 | 203 | 2 | 1.79% |
Country | Population | Infected Total | Infected Prior Week | Infected This Week | Infected Prior Week | Change Last vs. Prior Weeks | Infection Rate | Dead Total | Dead Prior Week | Died Week | Death Rate |
EUROPE | |||||||||||
Russia | 145,961,031 | 4,469,327 | 4,407,031 | 62296 | 65650 | -3,354 | 3.06% | 96,123 | 93,457 | 2,666 | 2.15% |
Germany | 83,517,045 | 2,784,528 | 2,669,949 | 114,579 | 91,076 | 23,503 | 3.33% | 75,927 | 74,715 | 1,212 | 2.73% |
U.K. | 67,530,172 | 4,347,010 | 4,310,171 | 36,839 | 38,461 | -1,622 | 6.44% | 126,832 | 126,393 | 439 | 2.92% |
France | 65,129,728 | 4,606,185 | 4,277,786 | 328,399 | 145,914 | 182,485 | 7.07% | 94,754 | 92,119 | 2,635 | 2.06% |
Italy | 60,550,075 | 3,532,067 | 3,376,376 | 155,691 | 153,234 | 2,457 | 5.83% | 107,933 | 104,942 | 2,991 | 3.06% |
Spain | 46,692,858 | 3,255,324 | 3,212,332 | 42,992 | 28,628 | 14,364 | 6.97% | 75,010 | 72,910 | 2,100 | 2.30% |
Greece | 10,473,455 | 254,031 | 237,125 | 16,906 | 15,978 | 928 | 2.43% | 7,880 | 7,462 | 418 | 3.10% |
Sweden | 10,036,379 | 780,018 | 744,272 | 35,746 | 31,745 | 4,001 | 7.77% | 13,402 | 13,262 | 140 | 1.72% |
Country | Population | Infected Total | Infected Prior Week | Infected This Week | Infected Prior Week | Change Last vs. Prior Weeks | Infection Rate | Dead Total | Dead Prior Week | Died Week | Death Rate |
AMERICAS | |||||||||||
U.S.A | 329,064,917 | 30,254,332 | 29,810,217 | 444,115 | 379,493 | 64,622 | 9.19% | 549,288 | 542,246 | 7,042 | 1.82% |
Argentina | 44,780,677 | 2,301,389 | 2,241,739 | 59,650 | 49,114 | 10,536 | 5.14% | 55,368 | 54,517 | 851 | 2.41% |
Canada | 37,411,047 | 968,087 | 938,165 | 29,922 | 23,958 | 5,964 | 2.59% | 22,849 | 22,654 | 195 | 2.36% |
Brazil | 212,559,417 | 12,490,362 | 11,950,459 | 539,903 | 510,901 | 29,002 | 5.88% | 310,550 | 292,752 | 17,798 | 2.49% |
OTHER | |||||||||||
Iran | 82,913,906 | 1,855,674 | 1,801,065 | 54,609 | 54,112 | 497 | 2.24% | 63,397 | 61,797 | 1,600 | 3.42% |
Turkey | 83,809,754 | 3,208,173 | 3,013,122 | 195,051 | 133,732 | 61,319 | 3.83% | 31,076 | 30,061 | 1,015 | 0.97% |
Australia | 25,203,198 | 29,260 | 29,196 | 64 | 79 | -15 | 0.12% | 909 | 909 | 0 | 3.11% |
New Zeland | 4,886,000 | 2,482 | 2,453 | 29 | 30 | -1 | 0.05% | 26 | 26 | 0 | 1.05% |
Country | Population | Infected Total | Infected Prior Week | Infected This Week | Infected Prior Week | Change Last vs. Prior Weeks | Infection Rate | Dead Total | Dead Prior Week | Died Week | Death Rate |
California | 39,512,223 | 3,659,693 | 3,640,037 | 19,656 | 18,155 | 1,501 | 9.26% | 58,942 | 57,470 | 1,472 | 1.61% |
Texas | 28,995,881 | 2,779,556 | 2,753,012 | 26,544 | 27,394 | -850 | 9.59% | 48,093 | 47,346 | 747 | 1.73% |
Florida | 21,477,737 | 2,044,005 | 2,008,349 | 35,656 | 31,690 | 3,966 | 9.52% | 33,178 | 32,742 | 436 | 1.62% |
New York | 19,453,561 | 1,850,732 | 1,782,769 | 67,963 | 41,406 | 26,557 | 9.51% | 50,017 | 49,426 | 591 | 2.70% |
Pennsylvania | 12,801,989 | 1,015,173 | 988,656 | 26,517 | 20,397 | 6,120 | 7.93% | 24,970 | 24,796 | 174 | 2.46% |
Illinois | 12,671,821 | 1,237,732 | 1,221,775 | 15,957 | 12,531 | 3,426 | 9.77% | 23,521 | 23,357 | 164 | 1.90% |
Ohio | 11,689,100 | 1,011,622 | 999,750 | 11,872 | 10,559 | 1,313 | 8.65% | 18,525 | 18,339 | 186 | 1.83% |
Georgia | 10,617,423 | 1,055,332 | 1,044,134 | 11,198 | 10,348 | 850 | 9.94% | 18,962 | 18,530 | 432 | 1.80% |
North Carolina | 10,488,084 | 905,528 | 895,263 | 10,265 | 12,548 | -2,283 | 8.63% | 12,028 | 11,820 | 208 | 1.33% |
Michigan | 9,986,857 | 723,700 | 691,070 | 32,630 | 20,982 | 11,648 | 7.25% | 17,047 | 16,906 | 141 | 2.36% |
New Jersey | 8,882,190 | 896,652 | 865,886 | 30,766 | 28,025 | 2,741 | 10.09% | 24,389 | 24,174 | 215 | 2.72% |
Virginia | 8,535,519 | 615,366 | 604,604 | 10,762 | 9,869 | 893 | 7.21% | 10,198 | 10,117 | 81 | 1.66% |
Washington | 7,614,893 | 361,115 | 354,782 | 6,333 | 5,357 | 976 | 4.74% | 5,218 | 5,174 | 44 | 1.44% |
Arizona | 7,278,717 | 839,868 | 835,765 | 4,103 | 3,671 | 432 | 11.54% | 16,918 | 16,733 | 185 | 2.01% |
Massachusetts | 6,949,503 | 627,556 | 612,857 | 14,699 | 10,549 | 4,150 | 9.03% | 17,086 | 16,832 | 254 | 2.72% |
Tennessee | 6,833,174 | 806,792 | 798,621 | 8,171 | 8,969 | -798 | 11.81% | 11,816 | 11,709 | 107 | 1.46% |
Indiana | 6,733,174 | 684,020 | 677,905 | 6,115 | 5,361 | 754 | 10.16% | 13,023 | 12,646 | 377 | 1.90% |
Missouri | 6,137,428 | 580,035 | 575,214 | 4,821 | 4,257 | 564 | 9.45% | 8,796 | 8,717 | 79 | 1.52% |
Maryland | 6,045,680 | 408,844 | 400,023 | 8,821 | 6,582 | 2,239 | 6.76% | 8,251 | 8,170 | 81 | 2.02% |
Wisconsin | 5,822,434 | 634,133 | 629,407 | 4,726 | 4,122 | 604 | 10.89% | 7,274 | 7,240 | 34 | 1.15% |
Colorado | 5,758,736 | 457,597 | 449,878 | 7,719 | 7,125 | 594 | 7.95% | 6,089 | 6,068 | 21 | 1.33% |
Minnesota | 5,639,632 | 515,058 | 505,224 | 9,834 | 7,832 | 2,002 | 9.13% | 6,908 | 6,850 | 58 | 1.34% |
South Carolina | 5,148,714 | 549,199 | 533,421 | 15,778 | 0 | 15,778 | 10.67% | 9,122 | 8,875 | 247 | 1.66% |
Alabama | 4,903,185 | 514,391 | 511,460 | 2,931 | 7,787 | -4,856 | 10.43% | 10,526 | 10,436 | 90 | 2.05% |
Louisiana | 4,648,794 | 443,069 | 439,737 | 3,332 | 2,344 | 988 | 9.53% | 10,087 | 9,988 | 99 | 2.28% |
Kentucky | 4,467,794 | 425,085 | 420,512 | 4,573 | 4,247 | 326 | 9.51% | 6,026 | 5,720 | 306 | 1.42% |
Oregon | 4,217,737 | 163,702 | 161,531 | 2,171 | 2,129 | 42 | 3.88% | 2,375 | 2,363 | 12 | 1.45% |
Oklahoma | 3,956,971 | 436,971 | 434,491 | 2,480 | 2,008 | 472 | 11.04% | 4,850 | 4,788 | 62 | 1.11% |
Connecticut | 3,565,287 | 305,210 | 296,691 | 8,519 | 6,114 | 2,405 | 8.56% | 7,865 | 7,832 | 33 | 2.58% |
Utah | 3,205,958 | 384,562 | 381,629 | 2,933 | 3,250 | -317 | 12.00% | 2,114 | 2,062 | 52 | 0.55% |
Iowa | 3,155,070 | 349,627 | 345,710 | 3,917 | 2,934 | 983 | 11.08% | 5,725 | 5,675 | 50 | 1.64% |
Nevada | 3,080,156 | 303,861 | 301,178 | 2,683 | 1,891 | 792 | 9.87% | 5,236 | 5,172 | 64 | 1.72% |
Arkansas | 3,017,825 | 329,929 | 328,547 | 1,382 | 1,604 | -222 | 10.93% | 5,595 | 5,533 | 62 | 1.70% |
Mississippi | 2,976,149 | 304,616 | 302,837 | 1,779 | 2,057 | -278 | 10.24% | 7,001 | 6,956 | 45 | 2.30% |
Kansas | 2,913,314 | 302,988 | 301,519 | 1,469 | 1,524 | -55 | 10.40% | 4,848 | 4,798 | 50 | 1.60% |
New Mexico | 2,096,829 | 190,887 | 189,560 | 1,327 | 1,393 | -66 | 9.10% | 3,925 | 3,889 | 36 | 2.06% |
Nebraska | 1,934,408 | 208,424 | 206,388 | 2,036 | 1,750 | 286 | 10.77% | 2,175 | 2,135 | 40 | 1.04% |
West Virginia | 1,792,147 | 140,613 | 137,826 | 2,787 | 2,358 | 429 | 7.85% | 2,634 | 2,606 | 28 | 1.87% |
Idaho | 1,787,147 | 179,428 | 177,420 | 2,008 | 2,164 | -156 | 10.04% | 1,954 | 1,941 | 13 | 1.09% |
Hawaii | 1,415,872 | 29,712 | 29,049 | 663 | 545 | 118 | 2.10% | 461 | 452 | 9 | 1.55% |
New Hampshire | 1,359,711 | 82,745 | 80,316 | 2,429 | 1,701 | 728 | 6.09% | 1,235 | 1,217 | 18 | 1.49% |
Maine | 1,344,212 | 49,850 | 48,464 | 1,386 | 1,432 | -46 | 3.71% | 736 | 729 | 7 | 1.48% |
Montana | 1,068,778 | 104,128 | 103,060 | 1,068 | 1,300 | -232 | 9.74% | 1,436 | 1,414 | 22 | 1.38% |
Rhode Island | 1,059,361 | 135,775 | 133,039 | 2,736 | 2,537 | 199 | 12.82% | 2,608 | 2,595 | 13 | 1.92% |
Delaware | 973,764 | 94,062 | 92,287 | 1,775 | 1,906 | -131 | 9.66% | 1,544 | 1,529 | 15 | 1.64% |
South Dakota | 884,659 | 117,244 | 115,789 | 1,455 | 1,166 | 289 | 13.25% | 1,933 | 1,923 | 10 | 1.65% |
North Dakota | 762,062 | 102,583 | 103,060 | -477 | 2,084 | -2,561 | 13.46% | 1,498 | 1,492 | 6 | 1.46% |
Alaska | 731,545 | 62,161 | 61,086 | 1,075 | 879 | 196 | 8.50% | 313 | 310 | 3 | 0.50% |
Vermont | 623,989 | 18,820 | 17,740 | 1,080 | 850 | 230 | 3.02% | 225 | 219 | 6 | 1.20% |
Wyoming | 578,759 | 56,046 | 55,581 | 465 | 418 | 47 | 9.68% | 695 | 693 | 2 | 1.24% |
Pandemic - The SARS-Cov 2 Virus