The SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic - A Utah Perspective
Report for June 5, 2022     
See the index to all available reports.
Publication Note:
Reports Added during June 2022
June 2022 update on the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. The data is from June 5, 2022, as as sourced from Johns Hopkins University.
The weekly seven day average of new cases of Covid-19 in Utah
The Omicron BA.2.* variants continued to raise case numbers in Utah during May. Case counts grew from 242 per day on April 28 to 818 per day on June 3 . This mini-surge may peak soon. Its duration has already exceeded my expectations.
The weekly seven day average of Covid-19 deaths in Utah.
The death rate in Utah remains at about 1 per day (7 per week).
Most Recent Month
***SARS-Cov-2 - Pandemic***
*** Focus on Utah ***
The 7-day average new case rate climbed from 242 on April 28 to 818 on June 3 (the highest since 1046 on February 18). Utah only reports numbers on Thursdays. The unknown is how many positive home tests were not reported to the Utah Department of Health. The death rate has dropped to just 1 per day. We are experiencing the surge associated with the Omicron BA.2.* varriants at this time. We may be close to a peak for this mini-surge.
*** Focus on the United States ***

This month I analyzed the United States by individual state. One thing is very clear, death rates have dropped to very low levels given all of the tools we have to defeat SARS-CoV-2. For some reason some of the states with the highest spread of the virus are still in New England.

The five states with the highest infection rates for the full pandemic are:

State Percentage
Rhode Island 35.9%
Alaska 35.7%
North Dakota 31.5%
Kentucky 30.2%
Tennessee 29.8%

The top five remained the same, however Rhode Island took the #1 spot from Alaska.

Utah stayed in 7th place on this list at 29.1%. .

The five states with the lowest infection rate for the full pandemic are:

State Percentage
Maryland 18.1%
Oregon 18.2%
Maine 19.4%
Hawaii 19.4%
Vermont 20.6%

Maryland leaped over Oregon for first place. Maine leaped over Hawaii for third place.

The five states with the highest infection rates during the last 5 weeks are:

State Percent
Hawaii 2.4%
Rhode Island 2.1%
Michigan 1.8%
Virginia 1.17%
Massachusetts 1.7%

Surprised to see Hawaii at the top. Rhode Island and Michigan have always been poor. New Egland was worst in this category at the last report and there are still two states from that region on this list.

The five states with the lowest infection rates for the last 5 weeks are:

State Percentage
South Dakota 0.29%
Arkansas 0.33%
Oklahoma 0.33%
Wyoming 0.33%
Idaho 0.37%

Many of these states had huge case counts earlier in the pandemic. This supports the concept that IF you had no concern about how many would die or have life long lasting health defecits, the best course would have been to let the virus run free.

States with the highest death rates (full pandemic) are:

State Percentage
Pennsylvania 1.54%
Mississippi 1.54%
Oklahoma 1.53%%
Georgia 1.49%
Nevada 1.58%

States with the lowest death rates for the full pandemic.

State Percentage
Alaska 0.49%
Utah 0.50%
Vermont 0.50%
Hawaii 0.52%
New Hampshire 0.78%

Alaska returned to the top spot just nudging out Utah. There is a significant gap between fourth and fifth place.

States with the highest death rate for the past 5 weeks.

State Percentage
Idaho 10.83%
Kansas 2.53%
New Mexico 2.12%
Oklahoma 1.75%
Kentucky 0.1.38%

States with the lowest death rates for the last 2 months:

State Percentage
Hawaii 0.11%
Utah 0.15%
Rhode Island 0.19%
Texas 0.19%
Mississippi 0.20%
*** Focus on the World ***

During the past 5 weeks Taiwan formerly a country with a low infection rate, blew up with 94% of all their infections occurring in the past 5 weeks. Japan continued to be high as well. The Chinese made major downward revisions to their data  -- really? Their numbers can't be trusted. While South Korea got better but as a whole, their full pandemic infection rate is very high at 35%. India whose numbers I don't trust looked stellar. The rest of the Asian countries I follow were much better.

In Europe, Germany and France and Italy remained a bit elevated, otherwise, the area was looking good.

In Australia, where the virus spread went up the prior month, the spread remained elevated. Going into their winter suggests it may remain high for some time.

Data for June 5, 2022
Country 2010 Population Total Infected Count Overall Infection Rate Total Infected 5 weeks ago Infected last 5 weeks Infection Rate Last 5 weeks Total Deaths Overall Death Rate Total Deaths 5 weeks ago Deaths last 5 weeks Death Rate Last 5 weeks
China 1,433,783,686 2,099,838 0.15% 2,206,646 -106,808 -0.01% 14,373 0.68% 14,613 -240 0.22%
India 1,366,417,754 43,176,817 3.16% 43,079,188 97,629 0.01% 524,692 1.22% 523,843 849 0.87%
Japan 126,860,301 8,918,979 7.03% 7,871,248 1,047,731 0.83% 30,733 0.34% 29,567 1,166 0.11%
Philippines 108,116,615 3,691,546 3.41% 3,685,895 5,651 0.01% 60,456 1.64% 60,397 59 1.04%
Viet Nam 96,462,106 10,725,239 11.12% 10,653,526 71,713 0.07% 43,080 0.40% 43,042 38 0.05%
Thailand 69,625,582 4,466,793 6.42% 4,262,484 204,309 0.29% 30,171 0.68% 28,617 1,554 0.76%
S. Korea 51,225,308 18,163,686 35.46% 17,275,649 888,037 1.73% 24,258 0.13% 22,875 1,383 0.16%
Taiwan 23,773,876 2,404,871 10.12% 132,995 2,271,876 9.56% 2,939 0.12% 865 2,074 0.09%
Hong Kong NA                    
Country Population Total Infected Count Overall Infection Rate Total Infected 5 weeks ago Infected last 5 weeks Infection Rate Last 5 weeks Total Deaths Overall Death Rate Total Deaths 5 weeks ago Deaths last 5 weeks Death Rate Last 5 weeks
Russia 145,961,031 18,083,984 12.39% 17,924,145 159,839 0.11% 371,854 2.06% 368,463 3,391 2.12%
Germany 83,517,045 26,493,265 31.72% 24,809,785 1,683,480 2.02% 139,386 0.53% 135,461 3,925 0.23%
U.K. 67,530,172 22,493,328 33.31% 22,214,004 279,324 0.41% 179,415 0.80% 175,552 3,863 1.38%
France 65,129,728 29,813,848 45.78% 28,835,895 977,953 1.50% 149,506 0.50% 146,967 2,539 0.26%
Italy 60,550,075 17,505,973 28.91% 16,463,200 1,042,773 1.72% 166,949 0.95% 163,507 3,442 0.33%
Spain 46,692,858 12,403,245 26.56% 11,833,457 569,788 1.22% 106,797 0.86% 104,227 2,570 0.45%
Greece 10,473,455 3,470,640 33.14% 3,328,623 142,017 1.36% 29,913 0.86% 29,175 738 0.52%
Sweden 10,036,379 2,509,366 25.00% 2,455,966 53,400 0.53% 19,014 0.76% 17,512 1,502 2.81%
Country Population Total Infected Count Overall Infection Rate Total Infected 5 weeks ago Infected last 5 weeks Infection Rate Last 5 weeks Total Deaths Overall Death Rate Total Deaths 5 weeks ago Deaths last 5 weeks Death Rate Last 5 weeks
U.S.A 329,064,917 84,748,884 25.75% 81,358,011 3,390,873 1.03% 1,008,567 1.19% 993,717 14,850 0.44%
Canada 37,411,047 3,897,965 10.42% 3,332,608 565,357 1.51% 41,356 1.06% 36,978 4,378 0.77%
Brazil 212,559,417 31,137,479 14.65% 30,448,236 689,243 0.32% 666,971 2.14% 663,736 3,235 0.47%
Middle East                   0  
Iran 82,913,906 7,232,711 8.72% 7,222,308 10,403 0.01% 141,331 1.95% 141,096 235 2.26%
Turkey 83,809,754 15,072,747 17.98% 15,032,093 40,654 0.05% 98,965 0.66% 98,771 194 0.48%
          0         0  
Other         0         0  
Australia 25,203,198 7,426,673 29.47% 5,960,844 1,465,829 5.82% 8,752 0.12% 7,231 1,521 0.10%
UNITED STATES                      
State 2010 Population Total Infected Count Overall Infection Rate Total Infected 5 weeks ago Infected last 5 weeks Infection Rate Last 5 weeks Total Deaths Overall Death Rate Total Deaths 5 weeks ago Deaths last 5 weeks Death Rate Last 5 weeks
California 39,538,223 9,661,436 24.44% 9,236,835 424,601 1.07% 91,502 0.95% 90,329 1,173 0.28%
Texas 29,145,605 6,974,280 23.93% 6,825,834 148,446 0.51% 88,390 1.27% 88,107 283 0.19%
Florida 21,538,187 6,240,440 28.97% 5,942,723 297,717 1.38% 74,667 1.20% 73,948 719 0.24%
New York 20,201,249 5,466,873 27.06% 5,168,268 298,605 1.48% 69,124 1.26% 68,344 780 0.26%
Pennsylvania 13,002,700 2,932,186 22.55% 2,821,667 110,519 0.85% 45,254 1.54% 44,678 576 0.52%
Illinois 12,812,508 3,318,982 25.90% 3,138,682 180,300 1.41% 38,188 1.15% 36,047 2,141 1.19%
Ohio 11,799,448 2,780,653 23.57% 2,697,058 83,595 0.71% 38,657 1.39% 38,428 229 0.27%
Georgia 10,711,908 2,571,104 24.00% 2,515,139 55,965 0.52% 38,242 1.49% 37,806 436 0.78%
North Carolina 10,439,388 2,772,730 26.56% 2,659,255 113,475 1.09% 24,660 0.89% 23,405 1,255 1.11%
Michigan 10,077,331 2,547,366 25.28% 2,365,827 181,539 1.80% 36,407 1.43% 34,871 1,536 0.85%
New Jersey 9,288,994 2,415,000 26.00% 2,263,991 151,009 1.63% 33,764 1.40% 33,430 334 0.22%
Virginia 8,631,393 1,797,700 20.83% 1,645,791 151,909 1.76% 20,424 1.14% 18,955 1,469 0.97%
Washington 7,708,281 1,591,654 20.65% 1,498,116 93,538 1.21% 12,968 0.81% 12,703 265 0.28%
Arizona 7,151,502 2,062,669 28.84% 2,021,524 41,145 0.58% 30,332 1.47% 29,951 381 0.93%
Massachusetts 7,029,917 1,879,917 26.74% 1,757,103 122,814 1.75% 20,663 1.10% 20,263 400 0.33%
Tennessee 6,910,840 2,062,239 29.84% 2,027,967 34,272 0.50% 26,490 1.28% 26,166 324 0.95%
Indiana 6,785,528 1,738,843 25.63% 1,702,292 36,551 0.54% 23,740 1.37% 23,587 153 0.42%
Missouri 6,137,428 1,469,893 23.95% 1,421,350 48,543 0.79% 20,807 1.42% 20,211 596 1.23%
Maryland 6,045,680 1,095,903 18.13% 1,031,533 64,370 1.06% 14,629 1.33% 14,456 173 0.27%
Wisconsin 5,893,718 1,683,264 28.56% 1,610,601 72,663 1.23% 14,639 0.87% 14,413 226 0.31%
Colorado 5,773,714 1,454,881 25.20% 1,383,024 71,857 1.24% 12,567 0.86% 12,150 417 0.58%
Minnesota 5,706,494 1,515,724 26.56% 1,452,547 63,177 1.11% 12,974 0.86% 12,778 196 0.31%
South Carolina 5,118,425 1,504,967 29.40% 1,474,274 30,693 0.60% 17,907 1.19% 17,767 140 0.46%
Louisiana 4,657,757 1,196,190 25.68% 1,173,297 22,893 0.49% 17,341 1.45% 17,248 93 0.41%
State 2010 Population Total Infected Count Overall Infection Rate Total Infected 5 weeks ago Infected last 5 weeks Infection Rate Last 5 weeks Total Deaths Overall Death Rate Total Deaths 5 weeks ago Deaths last 5 weeks Death Rate Last 5 weeks
Kentucky 4,505,836 1,361,744 30.22% 1,328,111 33,633 0.75% 15,987 1.17% 15,523 464 1.38%
Oregon 4,237,256 770,193 18.18% 721,311 48,882 1.15% 7,657 0.99% 7,502 155 0.32%
Oklahoma 3,956,971 1,053,558 26.63% 1,040,405 13,153 0.33% 16,127 1.53% 15,897 230 1.75%
Connecticut 3,605,944 811,932 22.52% 758,281 53,651 1.49% 10,973 1.35% 10,850 123 0.23%
Utah 3,271,616 954,707 29.18% 932,253 22,454 0.69% 4,781 0.50% 4,747 34 0.15%
Iowa 3,190,369 780,019 24.45% 763,782 16,237 0.51% 9,602 1.23% 9,529 73 0.45%
Nevada 3,104,614 735,631 23.69% 712,287 23,344 0.75% 10,896 1.48% 10,752 144 0.62%
Arkansas 3,011,524 845,647 28.08% 835,857 9,790 0.33% 11,498 1.36% 11,389 109 1.11%
Mississippi 2,961,279 810,484 27.37% 797,575 12,909 0.44% 12,470 1.54% 12,444 26 0.20%
Kansas 2,937,880 789,859 26.89% 776,481 13,378 0.46% 8,973 1.14% 8,635 338 2.53%
New Mexico 2,117,522 538,629 25.44% 522,329 16,300 0.77% 7,825 1.45% 7,479 346 2.12%
Nebraska 1,961,504 488,110 24.88% 479,989 8,121 0.41% 4,294 0.88% 4,197 97 1.19%
Idaho 1,839,106 452,918 24.63% 446,040 6,878 0.37% 4,942 1.09% 4,197 745 10.83%
West Virginia 1,793,716 518,061 28.88% 501,204 16,857 0.94% 6,974 1.35% 6,856 118 0.70%
Hawaii 1,455,271 282,619 19.42% 248,405 34,214 2.35% 1,457 0.52% 1,418 39 0.11%
New Hampshire 1,377,529 326,610 23.71% 309,982 16,628 1.21% 2,543 0.78% 2,480 63 0.38%
Maine 1,362,359 264,366 19.41% 245,080 19,286 1.42% 2,382 0.90% 2,286 96 0.50%
Rhode Island 1,097,379 394,573 35.96% 371,629 22,944 2.09% 3,583 0.91% 3,540 43 0.19%
Montana 1,084,225 277,497 25.59% 273,282 4,215 0.39% 3,400 1.23% 3,360 40 0.95%
Delaware 989,948 277,666 28.05% 262,461 15,205 1.54% 2,961 1.07% 2,907 54 0.36%
South Dakota 886,667 240,357 27.11% 237,812 2,545 0.29% 2,928 1.22% 2,912 16 0.63%
North Dakota 779,094 245,476 31.51% 241,127 4,349 0.56% 2,283 0.93% 2,268 15 0.34%
Alaska 733,391 262,071 35.73% 253,002 9,069 1.24% 1,285 0.49% 1,252 33 0.36%
Vermont 643,077 132,676 20.63% 123,842 8,834 1.37% 670 0.50% 637 33 0.37%
Wyoming 576,851 158,472 27.47% 156,550 1,922 0.33% 1,820 1.15% 1,812 8 0.42%
June 2, 2022

On Thursday, June 2, 2022, the Utah department of health announced 5,728 new cases reported during the past seven days. That's an average of 818 cases per day just slightly higher than the prior week. This may indicate we are near the peak of this mini-surge.

June 9, 2022

The count for the last week jumped higher to 1072 per day, significantly higher than 818 per day reported last week. Deaths are still low but jumped from 1 to 2 per day.

This is the highest infection rate since February 11, 2022.

June 16, 2022
For the first time in 14 weeks, the new case count in Utah decreased from 1072 cases per day to 932 cases per day. Perhaps this signals that the current mini-surge has peaked. Deaths remain at about 2 per day.