Reed B. Haslam

Author & Publisher

In 2005 Reed decided to write books about LDS Church history in Southeast Asia. His first book was motivated by the story of the translation of the Book of Mormon into the Thai language. Reed played a small part in that effort, working with the principal translator Srilaksana Suntharahut. He then created his own publishing company HTown Publishing, to bring his books to market. His first book was published in 2006:

Translating Scripture - The Thai Book of Mormon © 2006 HTown Publishing

His next effort was to act as a ghost author in producing the life story of one of his native Thai companions, Mani Seangsuwan. Through the process he learned more about his friend and companion.

Monk to Missionary - R. Mani Seangsuwan - © 2010 HTown Publishing

In 2011, Reed commenced work on his most ambitious effort today. A History of the LDS Church in Indochina, including Thailand, Viet Nam, Cambodia, Laos, and Myanmar (Burma). The number of individuals that were interviewed for the book was large and significant. The work of Humanitarian Service missionaries come to light as the majority of missionaries serving in Viet Nam, Laos, and Myanmar, even today far outnumbers the number of proselyting missionaries. This book of some 800 pages was published in December 2012.

The Light Breaks on Southeast Asia - A History of the LDS Church in Asia's Ancient Kingdoms - © 2012 HTown Publishing

Currently as time allows he is writing the story of his personal mission experiences. It is not yet known when this book will be complete. The working title is:

"Sharing Jesus Christ with Buddhists" - In production.