Family Year Book Index
Year Key Events
2000 First Family Golf Outing, Rob graduates High School, leaves for mission to Japan
2001 Reed organized the Berg Family Reunion - held just days after 9-11
2002 The Winter Olympics come to Utah
2003 Jared graduates High School
2004 Jared leaves for mission to New Mexico, Reed & Sherry celebrate 25th Anniversary in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, Michael and Angela both make the Hillcrest High School basketball teams. Angela called to the Seminary Council for 2004-2005, Rob returns to Japan for 1 month study abroad.
2005 Michael named school sterling scholar in Mathematics, Angela makes academic all-state team for Volleyball and Basketball, Twins graduate High School, Reed laid off at Novell Inc., after 14+ years.
2006 Reed starts work for Northrop Grumman Corporation, HTown publishes "Translating Scripture - The Thai Book of Mormon", Michael departs for a mission in Santa Rosa, California
2007 Reed Runs for Sandy City Council and loses to a three term incumbant by < 2%.
2008 Michael returns from his Santa Rosa California Mission, Jared marries Melissa Sharp. 
2009 Angela marries Kevin D. Hanks.
2010 Rob marries Desiree Neilson, Angela receives Master of Education from Utah State, HTown Publishes "Monk to Missionary", Reed and Sherry visit Bangkok and Phuket Thailand.
2011 First Grandchildren are born, Kevin Hanks receives M.S. in Sociology at Utah State University
2012 Michael receives M.S. in mechanical engineering at the University of Utah, marries Stephanie Braithwaite, and get's his first real job. Reed starts work for Harris Corporation as the healthcare vroup at Northrop Grumman collapses. Third grandchild arrives before Christmas, HTown Publishes "The Light Breaks on Southeast Asia", Reed's third book.,
2013 Grandchildren four and five are born. Rob completes MBA at Carnegie Mellon University while working full time in Salt Lake City, Reed & Sherry visit John Haslam in Kansas, visit Kansas City (Liberty) Temple, and Adam Ondi Aman in Missouri.
2014 Grandchild six arrives born.
2015 Nant Health acquires the commercial Healthcare group from Harris Corporation. Grandson number three is born.
2016 Three grandchildren are born within 9 weeks of each other.
2017 The great American eclipse from Idaho. A visit to Anaheim, California with the Hanks family. Angela realizes her dream of swimming with a dolphin at Sea World San Diego. My last Pioneer Day parade perhaps for ever, because the parade spacing is just terrible. Nant Health disposes of the engineers they purchased from Harris Corporation in July 2015.
2018 Reed teaches Weather and Climate Change at Salt Lake Community College and learns why tuition there is so inexpensive. He starts a new job with United Healthcarer one of the largest corporations in the world (e.g. an S&P top five company).
2019 The Swimming pool is dug, piping and rebar inserted and a foot of shot crete is sprayed which forms the pools structual shell.
2020 SARS-CoV-2 pandemic year 1. The swimming pool opens, Angela produces the Haslam's Pioneer Days Parade, Working from home returns to an everyday event. Salt Lake County has its biggest earthquake in recorded history.
2021 SARS-CoV-2 pandemic year 2. Reed Retires. The family 24th of July party returns for the first time since 2005. Great progress is made on the Pool House. It will be finished in 2022.
2022 We lost three close relatives this year. Sherry lost both her mother Donna Westerberg and her older sister Patti Gilbert within a month of each other. Reed lost his only brother John Lee Haslam who was burried in Lawrence Kansas where he had lived for over 50 years.